? Saved Projects


Saved Projects allow you to store any project from our portfolio to a custom dashboard that you control. In addition to being a handy reference, your Saved Projects dashboard can be easily shared with a friend or colleague, or converted into a PDF for download.

To add to your Saved Projects while you browse, simply click the ADD TO SAVED PROJECTS button found on each project page.

Let's Chat.

Headquartered in the heart of the US, FRCH is a global design firm specializing in Innovation through Implementation involving Brand Strategy, Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design and Rollout. If you are interested in joining our team, please visit our Careers page. For all other inquiries, please complete the contact form and someone will reach out shortly.


Cincinnati | Corporate Headquarters 
311 Elm Street | Suite 600 | Cincinnati, OH 45202 | 513.241.3000
New Business Contact: Monica Gerhardt | mgerhardt@frch.com | 513.362.3305 

New York 
18 E. 17th Street | 2nd Floor | New York, NY 10003 
Contact: Randy Ng | rng@frch.com | 212.254.1229

Los Angeles 
6100 Wilshire Boulevard | Suite 430 | Los Angeles, CA 90048 
Contact: Mark Levine | mlevine@frch.com | 310.451.4333